
Girls who love Jesus and want to encourage each other as they grow closer to Him.

Obedience… And Lack There Of….. Why are We So Inclined to Not Obey God When He Speaks to Us?

on January 17, 2014

Here I am again, angry and frustrated with myself about this blog! I know it seems so simple and futile really, which only irritates me more! But here’s the thing, no matter how simple and futile we think something is, if we know it is something God wants us to do is it really simple and futile? Think about it, we are such self centered beings but God has this huge master plan that He is working out for everyone on this earth and that “simple and futile” task that God has asked you to do may be the life changing gesture He intended for someone else. This makes me stop and think about all the times I have said no to God. Really, who do I think I am that I can just be like nope, don’t want to do that let’s find something else for me to do. Why is it that whenever God asks me to do something I almost always want to say no. What is even worse is the guilt and shame that the devil showers upon me when I say no defeating me yet again. The ironic thing is, I don’t really want to say no, I want to say yes….And I am not just talking about this blog that I know He has laid on my heart to do. I am talking about every aspect of my life when God tells me to do something or say something I want every inclination of my heart to be Yes God! No matter the how scary it looks from my very self centered perspective. This is what lead me to the word Obedience. The definition of obedience is the act or practice of obeying; dutiful or submissive compliance. Honestly, this definition gives me great hope! God revealed to me and I have acknowledged, the incredibly rebellious spirit I have in me. It is something I have to give to God on a daily basis because it truly over takes me when God is not in control.  I make a lot of excuses about where this spirit came from but they are irrelevant and will only waste your time because, like I said, they are excuses. None the less, this rebelious spirit (when I haven’t given it over to God) is what inclines me to say no or do the exact opposite of what someone tells me to do. The truth is, it’s not just God, it’s pretty much anybody.I simply don’t like being told what to dok I mean whoe does….(that’s what I tell myself to make myself feel better). Anyway, back to Obedience…the reason the definition of obedience gives me hope is because it is the practice of obeying. I feel lilke God is telling me you just have to start somewhere. Look at all the things you are saying no to Me about and say yes to one of them, and then the next time I ask you to do something, say yes again. And then when I come back to you with something you have already said no to, say yes. Ask Me for help with saying yes because the main reason you say no is because of fear. Fear you aren’t good enough, fear you don’t have what it takes, fear of what people will say, fear of what people will do, fear of etc. etc. etc….. All these are lies from the evil one trying to get you to say no so that whoever/whatever God wants to reach doesn’t happen. But the truth is God has not given us a spirit of fear!! 2 Timothy 1:7 says For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.(NKJV) He also says in Psalm 128:1 Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him. The word also tells us about Jesus learning obedience through what He suffered while on earth in Hebrews 5:8. Obediently walking with God is a completely freeing lifestyle and while I still on occasion (Like with this blog) say no God I don’t want to do that, I am constantly practicing coming back and saying yes. I am also practicing saying yes to Him the first time around because, as I said before,my heart’s true desire is to say yes, and I am only letting the devil win when I say no. What inspired this reflection on my obedience was a post on face book the other day about a girl who did exactly what God told her to do and a young man’s life was changed forever because that was God’s plan!!! And here I was actively telling God no I don’t want to write a blog….something most people don’t even look at! My prayer for all of us is that we start claiming these words of truth and saying Yes God! Whatever, Whenever, Whereever….. man what a world we would live in if this were the truth of our lives. My last scripture is 1 Peter 1:14 – 16 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy , so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be Holy because I am Holy”

Are we going to be obedeient children? 

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