
Girls who love Jesus and want to encourage each other as they grow closer to Him.

What in the world is a Jesus Girl??

on August 26, 2013

So…here I am starting this journey… feeling so lost in what I am doing but also knowing that this is something God has placed on my heart. What I desire for this blog to be, is a place where we as women/girls can come and share prayer requests and answered prayers, our daily/weekly/monthly/yearly struggles and how God helps us grow through them and overcome them. I also would love for this to be a place of accountability for anyone who wants/needs it. Personally, I have found that having someone hold me accountable for whatever I am doing ensures greater success for me! Now that you know what God has placed on my heart for this blog I hope you will help me in making it a success! Trust me, when I say I have NO CLUE what I am doing! I am a first time blogger and while I have done some research I still feel way behind! Any and all suggestions are welcome!

Now onto the name and how this all really came about…. God placed this desire on my heart pretty heavy a while back and I of course in my “I know what it best for me” attitude I shrugged it off. As we all know, when you are seeking God’s will for your life and He wants you to do something He can be quite persistent. I became annoyed with constant nudging of the Spirit so I started praying, “Ok, Lord if this is something you want me to do then just keep it on my mind.” Well, prayer one was answered with consuming thoughts and ideas of how, when, where, and why I should start this blog. So then, I begrudgingly began to look up christian women blogs because I had never even been on a blog….can you say OVERWHELMED…. there are so many!! Then the devil stepped right on in with his lies(notice I said lies yet my mind still heard them as truth) that I couldn’t do this and there were already so many so why would one more even matter or be relevant, etc. etc. etc. Then proceeded to the self-induced pity party over the next couple of days and my prayer became, “Ok, Lord if this is something you want me to do then you have to give me a name.” because I didn’t even know I would need a name when I started looking. True to His loving nature the very next day that prayer was answered(Finally to my point! I know I can be long-winded…). So I am reading my Made to Crave book(Something we’ll discuss separately from this) and I come across the phrase Jesus Girl again and once again it made me cringe and laugh at the same time. And God in His ever humorous personality says that’s it, that is the name for your blog. It was so clear in my mind it truly was almost audible and I literally laughed out loud. Here is the funny part of the story: My paternal grandmother was not the most loving of grandmothers. She was more of the let me see how many chores I can get out of them while they are here grandmothers and this was her signature phrase. We would stay with her for a week every summer and every day of that week, every time I turned around she was telling me to be a Jesus Girl and it drove me crazy!! All I could think was you treat us like slaves when we come here, Is that being a Jesus Girl? Don’t worry, I never said that to her, but you get the aggravation. When I started reading Made to Crave I honestly didn’t think I was going to be able to read it simply because of this phrase. I know it’s silly but we all have those negative “reactors” if you will, those things in life that we allow to leave scars/wounds that just burst open when we hear a song, or a phrase, or see something specific…(Again something to discuss later). However I chose to persevere and move forward with the book and God did something completely amazing to that phrase for me. He changed it to something that I want to be and something I want to call myself. He showed me what being a Jesus Girl really is…. and that is nothing more than a girl who loves Jesus with all her heart. A girl who loves Jesus so much she is willing to trade her life for His and serve Him in whatever capacity He wants her to serve. A girl who loves Jesus so much that His love shines so brightly through her that anyone who comes in contact with her experiences the love of Jesus. Oh how I want to be that girl…and I am striving to be that girl daily. I hope to use this blog as another tool to help me become that girl and my prayer is that if you are reading this that you can use it as too for the same thing.  So please be patient with me as I try to get this blog up and going! Again all suggestions are welcomed!

Attached below is an article about Mother Teresa, what an example she was to women everywhere of Jesus’ love. 

3 responses to “What in the world is a Jesus Girl??

  1. I feel exactly the same way! I just started blogging too and have no clue what I’m doing except God keeps nudging me. 🙂 Happy Blogging!

    • jesusgirlz says:

      Great! I will be praying for you as well! It truly is all a little overwhelming. I have now been on the computer for hours and it feels like I need to get up and do something!

  2. Shelby Reves says:

    I’m excited to start reading your blogs! I have never been much to read them, but now that I know someone personally that is writing it, I can’t wait to read them and see what God is doing in your life. This will be a way for me to stay in the loop about your new life away from Hillcrest! I know that God is going to work through you and use your writing to speak to many people! Love you 🙂

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