
Girls who love Jesus and want to encourage each other as they grow closer to Him.

Struggles & Victories

This page will be a place where  you can share whatever it is you are struggling with or going through. Maybe it is a faith journey you have just started or a sin you are struggling with that feels like a constant place of defeat. Whatever it is I would love for this to be a place where we discuss it and share how God is helping you through it. As well as going to God’s word to see what encouragement He has for you and what instructions He gives. I will not have the answers! Hopefully, God can use me or someone else who has gone through whatever you are going through to encourage you. I also want this to be a place to share how God has given you victory over a sin or carried you through a tragedy. These victories are so important because they can always be used to help someone going through a valley.

2 responses to “Struggles & Victories

  1. jesusgirlz says:

    Right now I am in a couple of different places. First and foremost my family and I are in the process of a huge leap of faith. My husband has felt God calling him to seminary for quite some time now…a few years to be exact. A few months ago he began the process of filling out applications etc. Well about two months ago now we decided at the Holy Spirit’s nudging to visit Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. On this visit it became clear to us that this is where we are supposed to be so we went back home and started the process. We told our family, friends, and church all of which was a very interesting process…most people really just thought we were crazy. However we knew in our hearts this was what God wanted us to do so we pressed on, we sold a lot of our things mainly to not have a storage bill, we quit our jobs, and put our house on the market. So far God has blessed us immensely in this process. We are officially at Southwestern and really the only things God is still working on is selling our home in MS and providing a job for me. However, He has taken care of us financially through our family, friends, and church family so we really have now worries as He works out those last few details. Our God is so good!! The verses I clung to as we made this journey are Galations 2:20, Hebrews 11:1, Romans 8:28, & Philippians 4:6

  2. jesusgirlz says:

    Well, to be honest I am struggling with ALOT of things right now! Mainly disappointment in myself in not really carrying out this blog like I know I should. I have been avoiding it like the plague, but all the while God has been keeping it on my heart and mind to come back here. I am not sure why I am so against doing this blog. It is hard pinning it down to one reservation I guess so here are a few that roll through my mind; fear of rejection, fear of zero response, and there is something about putting my personal struggles out there for all to see that really irritates me. I am a really private person and this just really goes against every fiber of my being. Still, I feel God constantly drawing me back here to share my struggles, my answers to prayer, and my quiet times. While I don’t understand why He is so insistent about me doing this I am going to keep posting out here all the things he has laid on my heart to share. Mainly because I have been completely miserable while I have been avoiding what He has been asking me to do. If you find yourself in a place where you know God has laid something on your heart but you keep running from it, whether it be salvation, your intimate relationship with Him, forgiving someone who has hurt you, and the list could go on and on, my question to you is, what do you do? I for the last week have been doing everything I can to avoid getting on the computer so I would have an excuse everyday as to why I haven’t updated this blog. Each and every day I felt worse and worse and each and every day God was gently prodding me back to this blog. Everyday in my reading He would point out to me that I need to trust in Him and verses that would point out to met that I am the most satisfied when I am doing what He wants me to do even when I don’t see any results. He even tried catching my attention through a tweet, “Don’t give up on the things God has placed in your heart. Keep pushing & praying He will direct you.” So here I am, because at the end of every day and every situation I love Jesus with all my heart and while I don’t understand why it seems so important to Him for me to do this, I want to do what God wants me to do. After all, that is my whole purpose on this earth, to be and do whatever He has planned for me to be and do. This verse keeps ringing through my head as I am writing these things today..Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

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